20/07/2022 11:55

LU-VE GROUP: 1st half 2022 shows strong growth in sales (+38.6%)

LU-VE Group announces the results as of June 30, 2022

Uboldo (Varese), July 14, 2022 - LU-VE Group announces the results as of June 30, 2022:


•    as of June 30, 2022, the turnover of products reached € 311.2 million (+38.6% compared to June 30, 2021).  On a like-for-like basis, product sales grew by 37.0 %.

•    the order book as of June 30, 2022, increased to € 200.8 million (+ 37.3% compared to June 30, 2021). On a like-for-like basis, the order book grew by 24.0%.

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The Manager responsible for preparing the financial reporting, Eligio Macchi, declares, pursuant to Art. 154-bis, paragraph 2 of the Consolidated Law on Finance, that the accounting disclosure contained in this press release corresponds to the results of the accounting documents, books and entries. 

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